
Analytical Insights and Universal Behavior in Fast Thermal Equilibration Protocols

Self-organized critical dynamic on the Sierpinski carpet

Like-charge attraction in one- and two-dimensional Coulomb systems

Steady state of a two-species annihilation process with separated reactants

Monte Carlo simulations of two-component Coulomb gases applied in surface electrodes

One-dimensional colloidal model with dielectric inhomogeneity

Relaxation dynamics of two interacting electrical double-layers in a 1D Coulomb system

Expansion Formula For the Magnetic Field of a Periodically Deformed Circular Current Loop

Like-charge attraction at short distances in a charge-asymmetric two-dimensional two-component plasma: Exact results

Annihilation of single-species charged particles based on Dyson gas dynamics

Electric vector potential formulation in electrostatics: analytical treatment of the gaped surface electrode

Free energy of cylindrical polyions: Analytical results

Work done on a single-particle gas during an adiabatic compression and expansion process

Topological defects in the two-dimensional melting

Like-charge attraction in a one-dimensional setting: the importance of being odd

Configurational and energy landscape in one-dimensional Coulomb systems

Colloidal Stability in Asymmetric Electrolytes: Modifications of the Schulze-Hardy Rule

Exact mean-energy expansion of Ginibre’s gas for coupling constants Γ = 2 x (odd integer)

Exact energy computation of the one component plasma on a sphere for even values of the coupling parameter

Undergraduate Thesis

Self Organized Critical Dynamics on Sierpinski Fractal Lattices

Study of classical collisions between two solitons for the sine-Gordon model in two dimensions

Non equilibrium thermodynamics: Jarzynski equality and relaxation protocols

Dynamical analysis of bidimensional Coulomb fluids on a disc using the Langevin equation

Two component plasma at Γ=2 : a random matrix theory semi-application

Dynamical Properties of a Two-dimensional One-component Plasma

Theoretical/computacional project

Prediction of the Arrow of Time in a Spin Chain System within a Time-Dependent Magnetic Field Using Machine Learning

Implementation of Machine Learning in Predicting the Direction of the Thermodynamic Time Arrow in Brownian Motion

Applications of the sine-Gordon model in statistical mechanics of Coulomb systems

Grupo de Física Estadística

Departamento de Física

Edificio Ip

Carrera 1E # 18A-10

Bogotá, Colombia

Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.

Web design and programming © Gabriel Téllez